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Thursday, September 3, 2020
Final Report - INTERNSHIP Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Last Report - INTERNSHIP - Assignment Example In the first place, I got a chance to work with the Muslim American Society, where I was approached to do things I didn't have earlier information about, however I attempted my level best. However, it had gotten very hard for me to proceed with them given my sibling had been in the Rush Hospital for more than three days in light of amazingly terrible wellbeing. I needed to deal with my sibling alongside my work. since it was getting difficult to proceed, I reconsidered it and left the temporary position briefly. Be that as it may, I didn't extra my program of entry level position and searched for another chance. I was lucky enough to have been asked by the American Muslim Society to go to Chicago and work with an individual named Mohammad Nasir who was the Executive Director of the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago. It was an excellent open door for me since it offered me an opportunity to apply my insight to different issues concerning my field. My duties included were not constrained to the accompanying: highlights of the site and the related conventions. It was likewise a piece of my obligations to amass and sort out pictures to make the blaze and begin chipping away at the site for sub-association. So as to achieve that, I utilized the information and aptitudes I had some time ago picked up at the Dominican University uniquely identified with the web improvement including HTML, Java Script, Flash Photoshop and CCS. Working with the Muslim American Society was a very pleasant encounter that additional tons as far as anyone is concerned as a PC proficient. Having done a temporary job, I would firmly prescribe everyone to do an entry level position if some open door is
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Free Essays on Legalizing Marijuana
Standard versus Elective Media; who do we accept? The Journal of Media Studies Writer Discussion of the authorization of marijuanabrings up two principle issues, the individuals who are ace maryjane and the individuals who are hostile to pot. These issues have beencovered by both standard and elective media, standard being master, and option beinganti.Thesetwo groups have been contending over this issue in the corridors of equity for a long time. Since a large portion of theamericansociety is essentially presented to just predominant press, they don't know about different elements of legalizingmarijuana that elective media covers. The issue brought about by this absence of introduction, is that the general population might be denied of reality, and might be persuaded realities that are false. Cannabis and Medicine Both ace and hostile to- weed bunches have talked about regardless of whether cannabis can be utilized for restorative purposes. Standard gatherings don't accept that there are any persuading motivations to make maryjane a treatment to debilitated patients. Their position is that weed can have hurtful long haul impacts. The Anti-Legalization Forum clarifies that a portion of these impacts are: disability of the resistant framework because of the failure of T-cells to fight off ailments, deferring pubescence in both guys furthermore, females, and undesirable and littler kids destined to ladies who utilized weed during pregnancy. The Medication Enforcement Organization accepts that since maryjane isn't acknowledged by any American wellbeing relationship, there is no explanation to sanction the medication. They feel that the primary motivation behind why master cannabis advocates use the clinical use contention is since the clueless open can be effortlessly persuaded to help the development. Essentially insufficient proof demonstrates that cannabis can be utilized therapeutically (Claim V). In contrast to the D.E.A., campaigning gatherings, for example, the Cannabis Activity Network and the Indiana Civil Liberties Union, accept that maryjane is a helpful herb... Free Essays on Legalizing Marijuana Free Essays on Legalizing Marijuana One inquiry that has frequented Americans for quite a while is: â€Å" Should the utilization of cannabis be legalized?†Some state, â€Å"Yes†, while others state, â€Å"No†. Weed utilization has numerous health advantages. Authorizing the utilization of pot has numerous efficient advantages and would likewise diminish the crime percentage. In spite of cannabis being illicit, the medication is still fairly generally utilized. Here we are years after the fact after weed was made unlawful, still without a palatable response to the inquiry. I believe that legitimizing the utilization of maryjane would have numerous health advantages, conservative advantages, and would diminish the occurrence of wrongdoing. Most weed smokers rush to make reference to that maryjane develops wild in the U.S. what's more, that Native Americans utilized the weed for strict services, as a therapeutic herb for different afflictions and as a pre-fight smoke to quiet the nerves and conceivably give included fierceness. Local Americans weren't worried about the regular viewpoint at all and immediately found that weed could lighten torment, animate the hunger and give some little solace in an unforgiving situation. They utilized it in their strict functions to open entries to the soul world. It was utilized in harmony pipes alongside tobacco as a methods for fixing bargains with warring clans. Hemp was a significant harvest for the early settlers as ahead of schedule as 1629 and remained so until Eli Whitney presented the cotton gin. It was one of the main yields our ancestors created and was utilized to deliver paper, dress and rope. It was so significant in those beginning of America that Virginia presented enactment in 1762 that claimed punishments on ranches that didn't create it. George Washington was an early hemp rancher and made notes in his journal about the nature of the hemp . There is nothing to demonstrate that George Washington smoked pot however the legend is predominant among pot advocates. In 1793 the development of the cotton gin made the detachment cott... Free Essays on Legalizing Marijuana Legitimizing Marijuana Regardless of whether to sanction maryjane is a developing discussion. A few people with certain ailments use pot for a painkiller. Others who utilize this medication get it unlawfully and use it since they state it causes them to feel great. Clearly these individuals don't understand the impacts that cannabis can have on their bodies. Supporters of authorizing maryjane state that it is a pressure reliever and ought to be utilized for drug. They have additionally said that nobody has ever passed on from smoking pot; and that the crime percentage will drop, since it would be purchased and sold lawfully rather than on the underground market. Maryjane is a risky medication that influences a persons’ wellbeing. Those against this medication state it causes loss of memory and coordination, expanded pulse, and some state that it causes uneasiness and lung malignant growth. I have heard that weed use makes some utilization increasingly genuine medications. In the event that weed is sanctioned, it will be simple for adolescents to purchase. Regardless of whether you must be eighteen or twenty one, I am certain it wouldn’t be difficult for an adolescent to locate a grown-up ready to get it for them. Additionally, if cannabis is sanctioned, more individuals will get dependent on the medication and crime percentages will increment. Christians accept that the body is a â€Å"temple†and you ought not place anything in your body that can hurt you. In spite of the fact that I for one have no involvement in this medication, I feel that on the off chance that a patient’s specialist suggests the medication for relief from discomfort, at that point it ought to be lawful for them to utilize it. Be that as it may, I don't accept the medication ought to be lawful for individual use.... Free Essays on Legalizing Marijuana The Legalization of Marijuana An inquiry that has frequented society for a long time is: Should the utilization of maryjane be authorized? While some dissent, many concur and have a few motivations to help their choice. Pot is a medication from the Indian hemp plant Cannabis sativa, it tends to be smoked or eaten for a stimulating and loosening up impact. The supporters of legitimizing cannabis accept there are sufficient positive motivations to defeat the negatives. Indeed, numerous individuals believe maryjane to be a â€Å"gateway†to other increasingly genuine medications yet on the otherhand the equivalent can be said about liquor or even tobacco. Whenever utilized dependably maryjane is a sheltered medication that we can profit by, regardless of whether it is for clinical or efficient reasons or to bring down the pace of wrongdoing. Cannabis utilized dependably is more secure, less compelling than numerous lawful medications. Dr. Andrew Weil was a piece of the primary group of scientists to play out an administration approved examination into the impacts of maryjane on people. This group made its examination in 1968. These analysts confirmed that pot could be utilized securely under clinical watch. In the a long time from that point forward, Dr. Weil has seen no data that would make him reexamine that end. There is no doubt in his brain that cannabis is ok for use under proper clinical management. (Mother) The deadly portion to its viable portion of cannabis is around 40,000 to 1. In a normal pot cigarette there is roughly .9 grams (MAMA). Hypothetically a smoker would need to smoke around 1,500 pounds inside 15 minutes for the medication to be deadly (MAMA). With these numbers it is evident there has never been an instance of an overdose of cannabis or a demise legitimately interfacing with the medication. Lamentably the equivalent can't be said about the legitimized substances of tobacco and liquor. Consistently around 45,000 Canadians pass on of confusions from tobacco use (Stats Canada). In Canada drinking caused very nearly 2000 passings... Free Essays on Legalizing Marijuana Cannabis is most importantly a risky and illicit medication. It's anything but a medication that ought to be legalized. Although cannabis can be utilized to help the torment of glaucoma, malignant growth, AIDS and numerous other terminal diseases, it's anything but a demonstrated actuality that it is advantageous and useful for a person’s wellbeing (Hart 101).â Marijuana has demonstrated to influence a person’s memory, judgment, discernment, and body. Marijuana cigarettes have frequently been contrasted with that of normal cigarettes and are delegated being poor for your wellbeing. Numerous supporters for the legitimization of weed, or weed, accept that it is gainful to a patient that is experiencing a difficult and terminal disease (Hart 200). Pot can influence a person’s memory, judgment, and discernment. This medication empowers an individual to work both intellectually and truly. The inward breath of this medication quickly goes to the mind. By doing this it can meddle with ones typical capacities, physical sentiments, and feelings (Goodykoontz 15). Some clients get terrible impacts from the utilization of this medication. They may endure unexpected sentiments of nervousness and have distrustful contemplations. Since this medication can influence memory, clients may overlook things that they may have done or things they should do. Numerous individuals who smoke weed all the time commit dumb errors that could humiliate or hurt them or somebody around them. Many of them will lose enthusiasm for their looks or economic wellbeing with companions and companions. They will begin declining in school prompt their evaluations to drop.â Competitors who smoke cannabis experience difficulty staying aware of the game. Their planning for explicit aptitudes is off, their development might be eased back down and their coordination is lost (Goodykoontz 18). A cannabis smoker is additionally unfit to drive and capacity appropriately because of the loss of fixation and the capacity to not respond rapidly. For instance, an individual who is high on pot may drive excessively slow or stop route before a stop sign in light of the fact that their al... Free Essays on Legalizing Marijuana Legitimize Pot, cannabis, hash, joints, blunts, green trees, and so forth., the rundown continues forever. Anything you desire to call it, pot is right now illicit in the United St
Friday, August 21, 2020
Robyn Matthers
Robin Matter's was an exceptional youngster; a young lady who is genuinely short and pieces, however elegant and even, who is ordinarily quiet and calm yet wants to win and who is at her best in the hardest of circumstances . She spares Lee's life when he is shot and props Elli up when they strike to save Lee. She is a pioneer, and not Just when the going is intense. At the point when Elli or Homer are dynamic, she will let them manage everything, except when administration is required, she will give, even in ‘normal' situations.She is additionally empathetic and mindful, some of the time in a major way. In any case, frequently Just easily overlooked details that have a major effect. Toward the start of the novel we are acquainted with Robin as a dependable, solid young person who couldn't focus on the stay outdoors without the compliance and authorization from her exacting guardians. Elli discovers Robin's folks' trust issues in their little girl very interesting, â€Å"The c lever thing about it was that if guardians at any point had a little girl they could believe it was the Matter's and Robin, yet they didn't appear to have worked it out yet.The most serious issue she was ever liable to give them was as a rule late to chapel. What's more, that'd presumably be on the grounds that she was helping a boy trooper over the street. Robin was genuinely tranquil and genuine. She got exertion authentications at school each year, and she was vigorously strict. In spite of the fact that underneath the urge of this surface, Robin was an incredibly decided, solid disapproved of individual, who could be exceptionally serious on occasion. All through the novel we see Robin improvement and gradually, a tiny bit at a time; and she breaks the shell of the calm devoted great young lady she used to be, before the invasion.Robin's significant character qualities remain basically the equivalent and she is as yet substance to keep her profound quality all through the war ye t we do see little changes and effects the war has advertisement on Robin. For one, Robin rises as a pioneer. She had the option to transcend the others when they were all having enthusiastic breakdowns as their reality was disintegrating around them, attempting to appreciate the possibility of an intrusion on their own dirt. She was not, at this point the little calm young lady who consistently did great deeds and carried on a commonplace Wireman life.The intrusion had made a specific quality inside Robin that possibly truly shed light in her previous existence when she was eagerly contending in sport. This quality permitted her to attempt undertakings decisively in the midst of critical circumstances. Robin skirted the following piece before long however it's one reason for recording this, since I need individuals to realize stuff this way, how daring Robin was that night.She got the scanner that sits on a remain close to the lottery work area and tossed the entire thing through t he entryway. At that point she rushed to Lee, hurled him onto her back, over her shoulders, and brought him through the broke entryway, kicking out bits of glass as she went. †Robin's dauntlessness spared Lee that night of the watch assault. She transformed into a heroin through the span of a night and just as her praiseworthy courage and quality in exhibiting Lee to security, Robin had the option to beat her erratic dread of blood and needles. I've given him two infusions today. It was cool fun. ‘ ‘Robin! ‘ I almost passed out myself, in awe. ‘You swoon when individuals even notice infusions! ‘ ‘Yes, I know,' she stated, with her head on one side as if she were a botanist examining herself. ‘It's amusing, right? †Overall, I think the intense impacts of the war had flicked a recently discovered switch inside Robin's thoughtful heart. The progressions inside had formed her to be strong in predicament and had thusly spared the li ves of companions.
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Survival of the Broken Analyzing My Faithful Mothers Tongue and Leningrad - Literature Essay Samples
â€Å"The problem with surviving was that you ended up with the ghosts of everyone you’d ever left behind riding on your shoulders.†Paolo Bacigalupi Czeslaw Milosz and Osip Mandelstam are two poets who have survived many tragedies during their lives. They both lived extremely difficult lives due to the situations in their homelands. Osip Mandelstam was a Russian poet who lived in Russia throughout its revolution. Czeslaw Milosz was a Polish poet who lived through times when fascism (World War II and Stalinism) was prominent at his home in Europe. In the two works, â€Å"My Faithful Mother’s Tongue†by Czeslaw Milosz and â€Å"Leningrad†by Osip Mandelstam, a sense of survivor’s guilt is expressed through the diction and the tone of each poem. Survivor’s guilt is a serious problem affecting the lives of many after the various atrocities that have occurred in history and that will in the future. For example, many veterans suffer from PTSD, (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). This occurs after one experiences traumatic events, such as experiencing first hand war, seeing lives being taken, and taking lives themselves. Additionally, this guilt can be found within refugees who are forced to leave their homeland. There are many reasons for people to find refuge, may it be because of political issues or catastrophic events, it has become an unfortunately popular practice. The successful refugees may seem to be saved from the tragedies in their homeland but there is sometimes a powerful hidden consequence. Many Refugees carry unseen burdens on their shoulders: their destroyed homes, families, and neighbors. These authors are a prime representation of the tragedies that follow conflicted countries that force its constituents t o a point of exile. Milosz demonstrates how survivors guilt is a very destructive force. He expresses a sense of loss that can only be seen in many aspects of a broken culture. In the beginning of â€Å"My Faithful Mother Tongue,†the speaker says, â€Å"Every Night, I used to set before you little bowls of colors so you could have your birch, your cricket, your finch as preserved in my memory.†The speaker conveys his commitment to his dying language, and his efforts to nurture it back into his memory. Furthermore, in the middle of the poem, the speaker states something very profound, a metaphor that resonates with the reader, â€Å"Fortune spreads a red carpet before the sinner in a morality play.†This is a great example of how survivors of disasters face the possibility of living the rest of their lives in shame and guilt as the notion of having done something wrong haunts them. Milosz then concludes the poem with the line, â€Å"For what is needed in misfortune is a little ord er and beauty,†This elaborates on Milosz’s idea that the misfortuned (in Milosv’s case the victims of fascism and Stalinism) deserve to be honored and glorified because they demonstrate the chaos and the harsh reality of life for others. Milosz also says that, â€Å"perhaps after all it’s I who must try to save you.†This further promotes the idea of sharing responsibility for and remembering the unfortunate. Additionally, Milosz feels obligated to redeem the loss of language and order his country experienced. Throughout the poem one can pick up the tone of grief and shame that carries with his words and his emphasis on responsibility to remember the ill fated members of his home. Through diction and tone Milosev preaches his importance of recognition for the losses his country encountered and the responsibility he feels the survivors of the world must apprehend. In addition to Milosz, Mandelstam expresses his experience of survival guilt through his physical experiences upon returning to his home. He introduces the reader with the line, â€Å"I’ve come back to my city. These are my old tears†¦.childhood.†The way he says â€Å"my city†is the indication of the connection he had with his home and his sense of ownership and pride for his country. Furthermore, he says, â€Å"These are my own old tears, my own little veins, the swollen glands of my childhood.†This statement alludes to Mandelstam’s memories of his childhood and growing up in his home, which further signified his strong relationship he had with his country to the readers. Later in the poem the speaker says, â€Å"Petersburg! I’ve still got the addresses: I can look up dead voices.†Mandelstam implies the amount of suffering and loss his town had experienced, and how he remembers the addresses and names of the people he used to know who are now gone. Mandelstam also illustrates how recurring his grief is when he says, â€Å"I live on the dark stairs, and inside my head sounds a bell torn out from the flesh of the dead. This describes how his guilt is constantly triggered by the remains of his old home, and how loud and profound that guilt actually is. The entirety of this poem carries the tone of discontent, pain, and grief; the loss of his town that has since changed its name upon his return. The speaker ends the poem with, â€Å"And I wait till morning for guests that I love, and rattle the door in its chains.†Once again, this has a connotation similar to how Milosz ended his poem. This idea of rattling the door in its chains brings up the point of how Mandelstam feels the same sense of responsibility to put a spotlight on the unethical and political issues their hometowns experienced. Mandelstam wants to share that this can be very destructive. The diction and tone that Mandelstam’s poem possesses, exemplifies how it is hard to escape the tragedies and destruction of a place, especially when that play was one’s home, because of the impending guilt that follows. Survivors guilt is a very serious self conflict in the lives of the many refugees and immigrants, throughout the world and throughout history, who have witnessed historical atrocities. The two authors show this through their poetry and their attempts in sharing the tragedies and immoralities involving broken countries. In the two poems, Milosz and Mandelstam convey the notion of survivor’s guilt and the levels of severe shame and regret that one might experience.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Malcolm X The Man That Does Wonders - 1443 Words
Malcolm X: The man that does wonders Malcolm X was a determined activist, a man who fought for what he believed in. He left a strong impression on the hearts of millions. His actions not only motivated others but also urged them to believe in the same ideologies as his. Despite of his struggle with poverty, personal conflicts and his beliefs he followed his dreams of aiding the society and raising their self-esteem. He was born Malcolm Little in Omaha, Nebraska, on May 19, 1925. The seventh child of Earl, a Baptist minister, who was an outspoken follower of Marcus Garvey, the Black Nationalist leader(Malcolm X ), and Louise Little, he grew up in a world of racism and poverty. Early in his childhood, the KuKluxKlan, attacked his home, shattering all the windows. After moving to Michigan, his family was attacked again by another racist group known as the Black Legion, who burned his family’s house to the ground. In 1931 when he was 6 years old, his father was murdered, perhaps by the same group. The early 1930†™s was the worst period of the Great Depression in America. Malcolm’s family sank deep into poverty. His mother, upset over her family’s condition and the loss of her husband, became mentally ill and was confined to a state mental hospital for about 26 years. His family was broken up in 1937, over the next few years he lived with several foster families. After completing the eighth grade, he moved to Boston in 1941 to live with his aunt. He never went back to school.Show MoreRelated James Baldwin Essay1485 Words  | 6 Pages For The World to See James Baldwin was a man who wrote an exceptional amount of essays. He enticed audiences differing in race, sexuality, ethnic background, government preference and so much more. Each piece is a circulation of emotions and a teeter-totter on where he balances personal experiences and worldly events to the way you feel. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Chhi 301 Paper 2 - 1749 Words
PAPER 2 Submitted to: Dr. Nickens Liberty University Online Lynchburg, VA by Richard M. Shouse June 17, 2013 Introduction: In response to the how and why the papacy in Rome became the center of power as it did. Shortly after the Fall of the Roman Empire there was a fight for power between several barbarian tribes like the Ostrogoth’s, Goths, Visigoths, Vandals, Saxons, Huns, Franks, Lombard’s, Burundians, and others. The two major tribes were the Ostrogoth’s and the Lombard’s where power shifted several times, And the only infrastructure was the Christian church, so in one sense, the church took over after the fall of Rome. It was this shift of power that lead to the power being but into†¦show more content†¦Pope Honorius argued that Christ did not possess both divine and a human will at the same time; but had only one will that was expressed through both his human and divine natures. These caused an embarrassment to other Popes because they did not want to admit that a Pope could adopt and promote a heretical belief. We also see that new ideas of faith would rise during this time such as the Monothelite profession of Faith which said that Christ had two natures, human and divine, but a single will. Where Pope Severinus refused to sign and the Emperor sent an envoy to Constantinople to confirm the election of the Pope and demanded that he sign the Ecthesis. Pope Severinus wouldn’t sign the Ecthesis but the emperor would eventually go along with the election of Severinus. Up to Gregory III the Pope had to be confirmed by the Constantinople and the Emperors. This brings us to 655 A.D to Pope Martin who had himself consecrated without waiting for the imperial confirmation, and convene a synod at Lanteran. Many Monothelite followers were condemned and as a result Emperor Constans II ordered Pope Martin arrested and sent back to Constantinople as a prisoner. Because of is faith he was later honored and became the last Pope to be declared a Martyr. While Martins career provided dramatic evidence of the extent to which the papacy was under imperial control at mid-sixth century, it also demonstrated the decisive role of the papacy in theShow MoreRelatedThe Foundation Of Orthodoxy And The Canon1484 Words  | 6 Pages THE FOUNDATION OF ORTHODOXY AND THE CANON A Paper Presented to Dr. Nickens of Liberty University Lynchburg, VA In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Church History CHHI 301 by Whitney J. Fitzwater April 6, 2015 INTRODUCTION The history of the Church has seen key event and movements that influenced the New Testament canon. The way by which the New Testament cannon was formed as it was is a subject of debate to this day. To truly know and beginRead MoreChurch History Paper I1551 Words  | 7 PagesThe Foundation of Orthodoxy and the Cannon     A Paper Presented to Dr. Keith Goad of Liberty University Lynchburg, VA         In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for Church History CHHI 301           By Brittany N. Askew February 6, 2012   Brittany Askew 06 February 2012 CHHI301_B04 Paper 1 Introduction The process by which Scripture has been preserved and compiled is one whose history is worth noting. The early church hadRead MoreThe Rise of the Papacy Essay1637 Words  | 7 PagesCHHI-301-D10 LUO FALL2013 PAPER 2 The Rise of the Papacy INTRO In the void left by the collapse of the Roman Empire, the bishop of Rome grew even more in both power and prestige beginning in the sixth century and continuing to the reformation in the ninth century. It is the aim of this paper to explain how and why the papacy in Rome became the center of power of the medieval world, the factors contributing to this dominance over Western Europe, and the positive and negative ramificationsRead MoreWhy Were The Crusades?1389 Words  | 6 Pages WHY WERE THE CRUSADES STARTED SUBMITTED TO PROFESSOR C. PAUL KING CHHI-301-B06 LUO BY KEVIN SCOTT WILLIAMS JUNE 29, 2015 â€Æ' Why Were the Crusades Started Most have heard of the crusades of the middle-ages or at least heard of some famous people such as Pope Urban II, Richard the Lionheart or others. Whether you see the crusades as events that tried to promote Christian values in a pagan territory or of you see the crusades as chivalrous knights fight for a valiant cause one will stillRead MoreEssay about The Rise of the Papacy1770 Words  | 8 PagesThe Rise of the Papacy Barry Blankenship CHHI 301 - History of the Christian Church I Professor – Dr. Jeffrey S. Mayfield February 20, 2012 The Fall of A Great Empire and the Rise of the Papacy Before the fall of the Roman Empire you must stop and look at the power that was held within the millions of miles of land, building, people, cities, kings, and customs. The Roman Empire was not known for being just another city or empire but it was known for its strength, power and victories
Psychological Approaches to Learning free essay sample
Before conditioning, the ringing of a bell does not bring about salivationâ€â€making the bell a neutral stimulus. In contrast, meat naturally brings about salivation, making the meat an unconditioned stimulus and salivation an unconditioned response. During conditioning, the bell is rung just before the presentation of the meat. Eventually, the ringing of the bell alone brings about salivation. We now can say that conditioning has been accomplished. The previously neutral stimulus of the bell is now considered a conditioned stimulus that brings about the conditioned response of salivation (Feldman, 2009 p. 79). †Also, the pattern and the timing of the presentation of the inconditioned stimulus and the conditioned stimulus are important. Reserch has shown that classical conditioning is most effective if the neutral stimulus preceds the unconditioned stimulus by at least a half a second to no more then several seconds (Feldman, 2009). Other psychologist like John Watson (1928), have produced theories through the practice of classic conditioning. We will write a custom essay sample on Psychological Approaches to Learning or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Watson’s proposed theory called the law of recency that states the more recently a response has occurred to a particular stimulus the more likely it will happen again.Consider Pavlov’s experiment with the dogs, as the dogs salivated at the sound of the bell in expectations of food during the experiment does not mean that they salivated to the sound of a bell years after the experiment stopped. Another theory proposed by Watson is the law of frequency. The law of frequency states that the more often a response occurs to a particular stimulus the stronger an association is built between them and thus the more likely the paring of that stimulus and response will occur again (Witt Mossler, 2010 p. 28). Operant conditioning is another form of conditioning widly used by behavior psychologist.Operant conditioning is considered the basis for many of the most important kinds of human and animal behavior (Feldman, 2009 p. 185). Operant conditioning is defined as learning in which a voluntary reponse is stengthened or weakened, depending on its favorable or unfavorble consequence (Feldmen, 2009 p. 185). Where as classical conditioning refers to behaviors being natural biological responses to the presents of stimuli, operant conditioning refers to voluntary responses in which we perform deliberatly to produce a desired outcome (Feldman, 2009 p. 185).One of the fathers of operant conditioning is Edward Thondike (1932) and his law of effect which states, responses that lead to satifying consquences are more likely to be repeated (Feldmen, 2009 p. 185). Thorndike also belived that the laws of effect operated automatically, like the changing of summer to fall. â€Å"Edward Thorndike devised a puzzle box to study the process by which a cat learns to press a paddle to escape from the box and receive food. If you placed a hungry cat in a cage and then put a small piece of food outside the cage, just beyond the cat’s reach, chances are the cat would eagerly search for a way out of the cage. The cat might first claw at the sides or push against an opening. Suppose, though, you had rigged things so that the cat could escape by stepping on a small paddle that released the latch to the door of the cage. Eventually, as it moved around the cage, the cat would happen to step on the paddle, the door would open, and the cat would eat the food (Feldmen, 2009 p. 186). †Thorndies’s research worked as the foundation for the 20th century’s most influential phychologist B. F. Skinner (1904-1990). Skinner produced what is known as the Skinner box in which he experimented using operant conditioning on rats.
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